Cranio-Sacral Therapy

In a treatment with craniosacral therapy my hands enter a dialogue with the client’s body. A play of non-verbal questions and answers follows, which helps me to detect any blockades in the body. With the gentle holding techniques of craniosacral therapy, we can focus on these blockades and initiate the self-regulation of the body. This way the body can find its own individually fitting and sustainable solutions. The focus is always on the complex interactions in the whole body system. After and during the work on specific structures we integrate and coordinate these with the rest of the body. Exercises and tips for the everyday life help to make these changes steadier.

I do not offer treatments at the moment.

Cranio-Sacral-Behandlung: Person auf der Liege, Sophia Heister mit einer Hand unter dem Rücken, eine Hand von oben auf den Bauch gelegt
Cranio-Sacral-Behandlung: Füße der Person auf der Liege, Hände, die die Füße von Außen sanft greifen