Join body work course mid August

Gruppe macht Qi Gong-Übung, eine Hand über dem Kopf, Handfläche nach oben, als würden sie etwas wegdrücken

You can join my continuous body work course on Wednesday in mid August. We will dive deeper into a Qi Gong series which is about connections through the whole body and the dynamic change between tension and releasing. The focus for strengthening and consciousness exercises will be the pelvis, hip joints and the back. You can join the course in the first couple of weeks, there are no requirements. If you have discomfort or pain you can still easily participate since every exercise can be adjusted personally. The course will be in German language, but I can always translate into English if something is unclear.

Body work course
Every Wednesday 18:10 bis 19:10
Habsburgerallee 9 (rear building) in Frankfurt Bornheim
Start at 16.08.2023, last class at 27.09.2023 (7 classes)
First try out session without charge, after that 55€ per calendar month. Reduced prices are possible on inquiry.

If you are interested or have any question, do not hesitate to contact me: Email or telephone/whatsapp: 0176 7356 3582

Weekly Butoh dance class at Volkshochschule Frankfurt

Every Thursday, 18:30 until 20:00, 9 sessions
in Dr. Hochs Konservatorium, Sonnemannstr. 16, 60314 Frankfurt
Costs: 81€
Start: 14. September 2023
End: 16. November 2023 (No course at 26.10.)

In September I start my third weekly butoh course at Volkshochschule Frankfurt. The course offers a good opportunity to get to know Butoh or to dive in deeper. We will try out different Butoh techniques like working with the voice, contact, resonance and movements with different intentions and we will develop a Butoh Fu, an absurd sequence of images/story.

You will find more information and registration under the following link:
If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me.